
Triển khai Mô hình ngôn ngữ lớn Alibaba Cloud (Tongy Qianwen) với giao diện đồ họa và dòng lệnh

Bài viết này chia sẻ hai phương pháp để tương tác với mô hình Tongyi Qianwen-7B, một phương pháp sử dụng Giao diện người dùng đồ họa (GUI) và phương pháp còn lại sử dụng Giao diện dòng lệnh (CLI).

Menyebarkan Model Bahasa Besar Alibaba Cloud (Tongy Qianwen) dengan Antarmuka Grafis dan Baris Perintah

Artikel ini mengeksplorasi dua pendekatan untuk berinteraksi dengan model Tongyi Qianwen-7B, satu menggunakan Antarmuka Pengguna Grafis (GUI) dan lainnya melalui Antarmuka Baris Perintah (CLI).

그래픽 및 명령줄 인터페이스를 사용하여 Alibaba Cloud 거대 언어 모델(Tongy Qianwen) 배포하기

이 문서에서는 그래픽 사용자 인터페이스(GUI)와 명령줄 인터페이스(CLI)를 통해 Tongyi Qianwen-7B 모델과 상호 작용하는 두 가지 접근 방식을 살펴봅니다.

Alibaba Cloud’s Model Studio Tops 200,000 Registrations, Qwen Attracts Over 20M Model Downloads

Alibaba Cloud's Model Studio has over 200,000 registrations, the cloud computing business shared during WAIC 2024 in Shanghai.

グラフィカルおよびコマンドラインインターフェースを使用したTongy Qianwenのデプロイ

この記事では、Tongyi Qianwen-7B モデルと対話するための 2 つのアプローチについて説明します。1 つはグラフィカルユーザーインターフェース (GUI) を使用し、もう 1 つはコマンドラインインターフェース (CLI) を使用します。

การปรับใช้โมเดลภาษาขนาดใหญ่ของ Alibaba Cloud (Tongy Qianwen) ด้วยส่วนต่อประสานรายคำสั่งและกราฟิก

บทความนี้สำรวจสองวิธีในการโต้ตอบกับโมเดล Tongyi Qianwen-7B วิธีหนึ่งใช้ส่วนต่อประสานกราฟิกกับผู้ใช้(GUI) และอีกวิธีหนึ่งผ่านส่วนต่อประสานรายคำสั่ง (CL...

Deploy a RAG-Based LLM Chatbot in EAS

This article describes how to deploy a RAG-based LLM chatbot and how to perform model inference.

E2E Development and Usage of LLM Data Processing + Model Training + Model Inference

This article describes how to use the data processing, model training, and model inference components of Large Language Model (LLM) provided by PAI to complete end-to-end development and use of LLM.

Fine-Tuning a Llama3-8B Model in PAI DSW

This article describes how to fine-tune the parameters of a Llama 3 model in DSW to enable the model to better align with and adapt to specific scenarios.

Use QuickStart to Fine-Tune and Deploy Llama 2 Models

This article uses llama-2-7b-chat as an example to describe how to use QuickStart to deploy a model as a service in Elastic Algorithm Service (EAS) and call the service.

Quickly Deploy a Llama 3 Model in EAS

This article describes how to quickly deploy a Llama 3 model and use the deployed web application in Elastic Algorithm Service (EAS) of Platform for AI (PAI).

Quickly Deploy Open Source LLMs in EAS

This article describes how to deploy an LLM in EAS and call the model.

Accelerate Innovation with Generative AI on Alibaba Cloud

This article discusses how Alibaba Cloud's Generative AI (GenAI) solution empowers businesses to innovate and grow by offering a solution for foundation models (FMs) and AI development tasks.

An Introduction to Alibaba Cloud Platform for AI (PAI)

This article provides an in-depth introduction to Alibaba Cloud's Platform for AI (PAI), illustrating its role as a comprehensive solution for advancing machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Quickly Deploy Tongyi Qianwen in EAS

This article describes how to deploy a web application based on the open source model Tongyi Qianwen and perform model inference on the web page or using API operations in EAS of PAI.

Deploy a Hugging Face Model in EAS

This article describes how to deploy a Hugging Face model in PAI EAS.

Deploy AI Video Generation Application in EAS

This article describes how to deploy an AI video generation application, related inference services and answers to FAQ during the deployment.

Quickly Deploy Stable Diffusion for Text-to-Image Generation in EAS

This article describes how to deploy a Stable Diffusion model and use the deployed application to perform model inference and generate images.

Зажигание революции ИИ — путешествие с RAG и LangChain

эта статья знакомит читателей с глубоким исследованием трансформационного путешествия революции ИИ, вникая в революционные концепции Поисковой дополненной генерации (RAG) и LangChain.

Tutorial: Building an Exciting Journey for Your GenAI Application with Llama 2, AnalyticDB, PAI-EAS

Explore the integration of AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL with large language models on Alibaba Cloud's PAI platform, empowering businesses with efficiency.