
Understanding the Java Platform Module System (Project Jigsaw)

This article introduces Java platform modular system in detail and provides best practices to help developers better understand and apply the Java modular system.

Alibaba Makes Dragonwell OpenJDK Open Source

Alibaba boosts the Java community by making their version of OpenJDK, Alibaba Dragonwell, open source.

A Short Exploration of Java Class Pre-Initialization

This short article discusses the background details of Java class pre-initialization.

Alibaba Dragonwell ZGC – Part 1: New Garbage Collector ZGC Unboxing and the First Experience of ZGC

Part 1 of this 3-part series introduces the basic concepts of GC and the large-scale practice of ZGC.

Alibaba Dragonwell ZGC – Part 2: The Principles and Tuning of ZGC | A New Garbage Collector

Part 2 of this 3-part series introduces the principle and tuning of ZGC.

Alibaba Dragonwell ZGC – Part 3: How Does Dragonwell 11 Transform the New Garbage Collector ZGC?

By Hao Tang What are the specific applicable scenarios for ZGC in Dragonwell 11? How can we transform the new garbage collector ZGC? This article is.

Alibaba Dragonwell Powers Java Applications in Alibaba Cloud

This article introduces the upcoming Alibaba Cloud ECS instances and reviews the capabilities of Alibaba Dragonwell.

Status Quo and Technology Trend Report of Java

This article summarizes the status quo of basic Java technologies and further discusses the future evolution trends of Java Virtual Machine (JVM) technology.

Reshaping the Java Language on the Cloud

Learn how Alibaba is transforming the Java language.

What There Is to Know About Alibaba Dragonwell 8

This blog explores newly announced Dragonwell 8, how you can install and use it and ways that you can participate in the development community.

Alibaba Dragonwell LTS OpenJDK Is Now Open Source

At the Alibaba Cloud Summit in Beijing, Alibaba announced that the long-term support version of OpenJDK, Alibaba Dragonwell, is now open-source.