Service Mesh

Access External Services from a Service Mesh Instance

This article describes how to access external services from an ASM instance.

Application of the WASM Plug-in in End-to-End Canary Release

MSE provides a set of mature functions in the end-to-end canary release scenario of microservices and supports canary routing policies of content rules and percentage rules.

Getting Started with Service Mesh

This post is a quick and easy guide to everything there is to know about Service Mesh.

Model Service Mesh: Model Service Management in Cloud-native Scenario

This article introduces Model Service Mesh, an architectural pattern for deploying and managing scalable machine learning model services in a distributed environment.

Manage End-to-end Traffic Based on Alibaba Cloud Service Mesh (ASM): Traffic Lanes in Loose Mode

This article describes how to use traffic lanes in loose mode to implement end-to-end traffic management in ASM.

Manage End-to-end Traffic Based on Alibaba Cloud Service Mesh (ASM): Traffic Lanes in Strict Mode

The article outlines the challenges and limitations of using ASM for end-to-end traffic management, and provides a detailed demonstration of traffic lanes in strict mode.

Implement a New Service Mesh Integrating Sidecarless and Sidecar Modes

This article introduces how ASM implements this new form of service mesh that integrates Sidecarless and Sidecars, achieving a serverless service mesh.

Analysis of Istio Ambient Mesh Ztunnel Implementation - Configuration Analysis

This article delves into the configuration of Ztunnel, providing insights into its capabilities and configuration mode.

Configure Sidecar Parameters to Balance gRPC/HTTP2 Streaming Performance and Resource Usage

This article outlines the parameters that Sidecars employ to control the performance of gRPC streaming and their mechanisms.

Brief Analysis of Envoy Adaptive-Concurrency Filter

This article briefly explains the principle of the Adaptive-Concurrency Filter in Envoy.

Depth Analysis of Istio Ambient Mesh Traffic Path

This article thoroughly analyzes the entire path from the source pod to the target pod in Ambient Mesh.

Analysis of the Implementation of Layer 4 Load Balancing in Istio Ambient Mesh

This article explains how Istio Ambient Mesh performs load balancing for Layer 4 traffic through analysis of iptables rules, network packet capture, and code analysis.

Service Mesh Optimization Center: Optimizing Service Mesh for Higher Performance and Availability

This article is based on Xining Wang's keynote speech at the CNCF Kubernetes Community Day (KCD) conference held in Beijing in June 2023.

Schedule the Pods of an ASM Gateway to a Specified Node

This article describes how to configure an ASM gateway and schedule the pods of the gateway to a specified node.

Deploy a ASM Serverless Gateway to Support Elastic Business Scenarios

This article provides an overview of deploying an ASM Serverless Gateway, and how to use it to support elastic business scenarios.

Exploration and Practice of Proxyless Mesh for Spring Cloud Applications

This article uses a Demo to demonstrate how the SpringCloud application can support Proxyless Mesh without modifying any code when connected to the MSE service governance.

An Exploration and Improvement of Dubbo in Proxyless Mesh Mode

This article discusses the advantages, deficiencies, and broad market prospects of Dubbo and Proxyless Service Mesh.

Traffic Labeling and Routing of ASM (4): Implement an End-to-end Canary Release Based on ASM

Part 4 of this 4-part series describes how to use traffic labels to implement an end-to-end canary release for microservices.

Traffic Labeling and Routing of ASM (3): Use Lanes to Manage Traffic

Part 3 of this 4-part series describes how to use lanes to manage traffic in the ASM console.

Traffic Labelling and Routing of ASM (2): Define a Routing Rule Based on Traffic Labels

Part 2 of this 4-part series describes how to define a routing rule based on traffic labels.