
Development of Java Logging Part 1: Past and Present

By Shangzuo Preface Initially, I wrote this article to share my knowledge of Java logging with my team, as I often encountered irrational logging co.

What is Log4j Vulnerability and How to Prevent it ?

The log4j vulnerability, also known as CVE-2021-44228, is a critical security flaw in the Apache Log4j library.

Java Logging Frameworks: Summary and Best Practices

In this blog, we will talk about commong Java logging tools and discuss their best practices.

3 Ways to Migrate Java Logs to the Cloud: Log4J, LogBack, and Producer Lib

This article introduces three powerful tools for migrating Java logs to the cloud: Log4J, LogBack, and Producer Lib.

Exploring the Secrets of Java Logs: Log4j 2 Log System

This article dissects the source code of Log4j 2, a new log system built on Apache Log4j, to get a deeper understanding of its underlying concepts.