
Why Fluss? Top 4 Challenges of Using Kafka for Real-Time Analytics

Jark Wu Creator of Fluss project The industry is undergoing a clear and significant shift as big data computing transitions from offline to real-time processing.

The Evolution of the Batch Processing Model in Apache RocketMQ

This article introduces the upgrades and optimizations made to the batch processing model in RocketMQ.

Interview Questions We've Learned Over the Years: Kafka

This article is part of a series focusing on interview questions for technicians, with a specific emphasis on Kafka.

The Practices and Exploration of Alibaba Cloud ApsaraMQ for Kafka Ecosystem Integration

This article introduces MQ for Kafka, Kafka Connect, ecosystem planning, and connectivity issues.

An Overview of Kafka Distributed Message System

This blog provides an in-depth overview of the Kafka messaging system along with a walkthrough of its various models and techniques.

Understanding SAE Log Collection Solutions

This article focuses on the various log collection solutions provided by Serverless Application Engine (SAE) as well as related architectures and scenarios.

Use Flink Hudi to Build a Streaming Data Lake Platform

This article discusses the basics of Apache Hudi, Flink Hudi integration, and use cases.

Deployment Practices of General DBAudit in the Kubernetes Environment

This article introduces how to deploy General DBAudit (a lightweight, low-cost database security solution) in the Kubernetes environment.

RocketMQ: End and Cloud Integration Design and Practice

This sharing introduces the architecture model design for device messaging application scenarios and how to implement an integrated messaging platform based on RocketMQ.

Message Queue for Apache Kafka on Alibaba Cloud

This article explains how Apache Kafka works and how to deploy it.

The Innovative Practice of RocketMQ in Sohu

This article describes the usage scenarios and problems of MQ in several typical businesses.

A Demo of the Scenario Solution Based on Realtime Compute for Apache Flink

The article mainly introduces two applications of real-time big data based on Flink.

Alibaba Cloud Massage Queue for RocketMQ, RabbitMQ, MQTT, Kafka 비교 정리

본 블로그를 참조하여 알리바바의 대표적인 MQ 서비스인 Message Queue for RocketMQ, RabbitMQ, Kafka, MQTT에 대한 설명과 비교, 적절한 사용 시나리오에 대해 알아볼 수 있습니다.

Basic Concepts and Architecture of a Recommender System

In this article, Alibaba technical expert Aohai introduces the basic concepts and architecture of an enterprise-level recommender system.

DLF + DDI Best Practices for One-Stop Data Lake Formation and Analysis

This article aims to give readers a deeper understanding of Alibaba Cloud Data Lake Formation (DLF) and Databricks DataInsight (DDI).

Use Flink Hudi to Build a Streaming Data Lake

This article introduces the optimization and evolution of Flink Hudi's original mini-batch-based incremental computing model through stream computing.

Alibaba Cloud BigData Pipeline 구축하기

이 블로그는 빅데이터 플랫폼 도입을 고려 중이고, 어떤 조합으로 시스템을 구축할지 고민이신 분들을 위해 알리바바가 제공하는 모든 서비스들을 나열해 놓고, 각 서비스들의 적용 가능한 시나리오와 서비스 도입 시 고려해야 할 점등을 설명합니다.

Redis Data Synchronization with RDS MySQL Using Canal & Kafka

This tutorial shows you how to synchronize Redis data with ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL using Canal and Kafka.

Knative: Serverless Practices in AI Event-Driven Scenarios

This article describes how to use Knative to implement practices with event-driven framework for users in different scenarios.

Application of Delta Lake in Soul

This article explains the background of Delta Lake along with practices, problems, and solutions.