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Serverless Architecture Series

A fully-managed event-driven serverless environment allows you to focus on writing and uploading code without the need to manage infrastructure.

Create a Serverless Website with Alibaba Cloud Function Compute

In this tutorial, we will look at building a simple website application with Alibaba Cloud's Function Compute in the UI console.

Serverless vs. Traditional Architecture: What Are the Differences?

This article introduces the advantages of serverless architectures, and compares its implementation versus conventional solutions using four typical use cases.

Sending Cloud Monitor Events to Slack through Function Compute

In this blog, we will show the necessary steps to integrate Alibaba Cloud Monitor's event monitoring capability and create event notifications using Slack.

Building a Serverless PDF Text Recognition Using Function Compute with Node.js in 10 Minutes

This tutorial demonstrates how you can develop a PDF-to-Text conversion (OCR) function with Alibaba Cloud Function Compute.

Bootstrapping Function Compute for Web Using NodeJS SDK: Part 2

In this article series, we will be learning how we can bootstrap Alibaba Cloud Function Compute to the web using NodeJS SDK.

Bootstrapping Function Compute for Web Using NodeJS SDK: Part 1

In this article series, we will be learning how we can bootstrap Alibaba Cloud Function Compute to the web using NodeJS SDK.

Build Your First Serverless Website with Alibaba Cloud

In this article, we will be building a low-cost, serverless website using Alibaba Cloud Function Compute.

Introducing Data Lake Analytics: Serverless, Cloud Native, and Zero Upfront Cost

Alibaba Cloud Data Lake Analytics (DLA) is an interactive serverless analytics service that allows you to analyze your data at extremely low costs.

Embrace Serverless Analytics with Alibaba Cloud

In this article, we will introduce the concepts of serverless computing and big data analytics, and explore how we can reap the benefits of both technologies using Data Lake Analytics.

Serverless Computing with Alibaba Cloud Function Compute

Serverless computing refers to the concept of building and running apps that do not require server management.

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