Community Blog Series Apsara Conference 2020 Series - Part1
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Apsara Conference 2020 Series - Part1

In this series, we will highlight some of the most memorable moments at the Apsara Conference 2020.

Alibaba Cloud Digitalizes Sports Events with More AI Solutions

Cloud technologies revolutionize sports entertainment bringing new experiences to fans, organizers and broadcasters.

Alibaba Cloud Supports Genting Malaysia Berhad's Outdoor Theme Park Digitalisation

Resorts World Genting to deploy Advanced Virtual Queue Solution powered by Alibaba Cloud to enhance customer experience at Genting SkyWorlds outdoor theme park.

A Continuous Journey of Digital Transformation Alibaba Cloud and Its Global Customers at Apsara 2020

At the 12th Apsara Conference: Leap into the Future of Digital Intelligence, customers from various sectors, share their growth and success stories achieved together with Alibaba Cloud.

Events Simulation Service: How to Digitally Transform Your Venue

In this article, we look at how ESS can be used to simulate major events venues, including facility planning and the logistics of broadcasting.

How Digital Badges Provide a Sporting Advantage

In this post, we will introduce our Digital Badge system for world-class sporting events and compare it with traditional paper-based tickets.

How Fan Video Hub Solution Cheers on Athletes

This article introduces Alibaba Cloud's Fan Video Hub, a solution that lets you enjoy all the action of a sporting event without physically attending it.

How Press Conference on the Cloud Extends Your Global Reach Virtually

Press Conference on the Cloud allows sporting organizers to seamlessly manage and broadcast press conferences in the virtual world.

Alibaba Cloud LakeHouse: An Industry-Leading Next-Generation Big Data Platform of Alibaba Cloud to Integrate Data Warehouses and Data Lakes

The article gives an overview of the release of Alibaba Cloud LakeHouse, talks about its benefits, and how it accelerates the digital restructuring of enterprises.

Cooperation with the Yidui App Allows Alibaba Cloud to Empower the Dating and Social Industries

This article introduces the Yidui dating app and how it uses Alibaba Cloud technology to offer users a new kind of online dating experience.

Serverless: The Next Decade of Cloud Computing

This article looks at the early days and predictions of serverless, looks at how matured so far, and how it will continue to evolve.

Alibaba Cloud Launches a Series of Cloud Native Databases at the Apsara Conference 2020

Learn why more than 100,000 enterprise users choose ApsaraDB services, and more than 400,000 database instances have been migrated to Alibaba Cloud.

Lindorm: Reduce Storage Costs by 80% with Cloud-Native Time Series and Spatial-Temporal Database

This article discusses Lindorm and its commitment to building low-cost storage and processing solutions, making enterprise data more affordable and visible.

Achieving Full-Scenario Coverage of Computing with Alibaba Cloud

This article is a recap of the latest developments with Alibaba Cloud's elastic computing services from the Apsara Conference 2020.

Alibaba Cloud Launches Cloud Box - Extending Public Cloud Services to Local Devices

This articles gives an overview about Alibaba Cloud's "Cloud Box", launched at the Apsara Conference 2020, and discusses its benefits.

Alibaba Cloud Upgrades Its Cloud-Native Partner Program

This article talks about the Cloud-Native Partner Program and how it plans to empower all industries entering the digital native era.

Technology Reimagined: Highlights of the First Day of the Apsara Conference 2020

This article contains a short recap of the first day of events of the Apsara Conference 2020, including the announcement of Cloud Computer and Xiaomanlv.

Future-Oriented EDAS 3.0 Was Unveiled at the Apsara Conference 2020

This article talks about the release of EDAS 3.0 and how it helps users build an efficient and stable cloud-native system.

Alibaba Cloud Launches 5G MEP to Accelerate Connection Efficiency

Learn about 5G MEP and how it can help cloud users make better use of 5G messages.

Apsara Conference 2020: Creating Enterprise-Level Acceleration Experience in Content Delivery

This article is an overview of the happenings from the content delivery network (CDN) session at the Apsara Conference 2020.

Alibaba Cloud Xiao Li: Native Security Creates an Oasis on the Cloud

This article highlights the advantages and benefits of leveraging cloud-native security capabilities to protect individual users and enterprises.

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