Container Registry

Getting Started with Service Mesh

This post is a quick and easy guide to everything there is to know about Service Mesh.

O&M and Component Installation for the Registered Cluster of ACK One

This article gives a rundown on O&M and component installation for the registered cluster of ACK One (with examples).

Use Serverless Function Compute to Deploy Stable Diffusion

This article uses Alibaba Cloud Function Compute to deploy Stable Diffusion WebUI, explaining its advantages and showing examples.

Analysis of Alibaba Cloud Container Network Data Link (5): Terway ENI-Trunking

Part 5 of this series mainly introduces the forwarding links of data plane links in Kubernetes Terway Elastic Network Interface (ENI) – Trunking.

Analysis of Alibaba Cloud Container Network Data Link (2): Terway EN

Part 2 of this series focuses on ACK data link forwarding paths in different SOP scenarios in Terway ENI mode.

Analysis of Alibaba Cloud Container Network Data Link (3): Terway ENIIP

Part 3 of this series mainly introduces the forwarding links of data plane links in Kubernetes Terway ENIIP modes.

Analysis of Alibaba Cloud Container Network Data Link (4): Terway IPVLAN + EBPF

Part 4 of this series mainly introduces the forwarding links of data plane links in Kubernetes Terway EBPF + IPVLAN mode.

Analysis of Alibaba Cloud Container Network Data Link (1): Flannel

Part 1 of this series introduces the forwarding links of data plane links in Kubernetes Flannel mode.

Kubernetes (ACK) K8s – Create Container Registry (ACR)

The article explains how to create Container Registry (ACR) under the Alibaba Cloud console.

Cloud Forward: Cloud-Native Container Platform Episode 6 | Alibaba Cloud Container Registry

With Alibaba Cloud Container Registry Enterprise Edition's global synchronization acceleration, we made cross-region image lifecycle management seem effortless, and it's even more cost-effective.

Use Git, Appcenter, and Container Registry to Create a GitOps Pipeline to Automate Container Image Updates

This article describes how to use Git, appcenter, and Container Registry to create a GitOps pipeline to automate container image updates for applications deployed in ACK.

An In-Depth Interview with ACK Distro – Part 1: How to Use Sealer to Achieve Rapid Building and Deployment

Part 1 of this 3-part series explains what ACK Distro is, how it was created, and how it cooperates with its partners.

Operating Large Scale Kubernetes Clusters on Alibaba X-Dragon Servers

This article details how Alibaba has operated and maintained large-scale Kubernetes clusters on Alibaba's X-Dragon servers for last year's big Double 11 shopping event.

Fast, Stable, and Efficient: etcd Performance After 2019 Double 11

In this article, we will take a look at how we used etcd at Alibaba and how we made it faster as well as more stable and efficient.

The Cloud Service Engine: Serverless Technology Powering Double 11

This article looks at what all went into the Cloud Service Engine, a serverless architecture powerful enough to handle the massive traffic spikes seen during Double 11.

Full Lifecycle Observability and How It Supports Double 11

Read how Alibaba's EagleEye team helped to create an Intelligent Fault Location system to improve the observability of Alibaba's systems.

How Alibaba Won the State Technological Invention Award in China

Learn about the technological innovations at Alibaba that have reshaped today's China.

Deploying Tens of Thousands of Servers in Minutes with Container Technology

This article discusses the technical details of container optimization to support rapid server deployment during Alibaba's Double 11 Shopping Festival.

The Cloud Infrastructure of STO Perfectly Handles Massive Amounts of Parcels During Double 11

This article explains how Alibaba Cloud's infrastructure supported STO's full-site business system for the first time during the 2020 Double 11 Global Shopping Festival.

Friday Blog - Week 25 - DevOps First Steps: Build and Deploy Docker Containers With Kubernetes

Learn how to deploy a stateless web application on Serverless K8s, and build new Docker images automatically using Container Registry + GitHub.