Data Management

DMS + AnalyticDB Helps E-commerce Enterprises Make Decisions to Address Seven Major Challenges

This article focuses on the pain points of the e-commerce industry and discusses how to revitalize the e-commerce industry by using the Data + AI solution and the data analysis methodology.

Data + AI: Core Driving Force for Intelligent Transformation of Enterprises

This article describes the importance and role of the Data + AI platform in the intelligent transformation of enterprises.

Insurance Data Analysis Based on Graph Analysis Capabilities Provided by PolarDB

Abstract In this article, we use a publicly available insurance dataset to demonstrate how PolarDB can perform graph queries to identify abnormal cla...

AI Growth Is Built Upon Infrastructure Modernization: How Businesses Must Adapt to Thrive

Discover how cloud-native, scalable, and secure AI infrastructure supports Generative AI and AI transformation.

Unleashing the Power of Data with Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch: A Comprehensive Guide

Discover how Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch, with its advanced data management, AI analysis, and security features, can transform your business.

Future-Proof Your Data with Alibaba Cloud Database Migration

This article introduces the benefits of database migration, including the reasons for migration, the complexity involved, and the advantages of choosi...

Alibaba Cloud Data Lake: The Smart Choice for Modern Data Management

Alibaba Cloud Data Lake provides a robust, secure, and cost-effective solution for modern data management, addressing the limitations of traditional on-premises data lake systems.

Fluid and Vineyard Team Up for Efficient Intermediate Data Management in Kubernetes

This article introduces how to use Fluid and Vineyard for efficient intermediate data management in Kubernetes.

Understanding Batch Processing vs Stream Processing: Key Differences and Applications

Explore the differences between Batch Processing vs Stream Processing and their applications in data management for better decision-making.

The Next Step of Flink CDC

This article is based on a keynote speech given by Jark Wu, head of Flink SQL and Flink CDC at Alibaba Cloud, during Flink Forward Asia 2023.

Flink CDC 3.0| A Next-generation Real-time Data Integration Framework

Flink CDC 3.0 is a cutting-edge framework for real-time data integration, offering an efficient, scalable CDC solution with Apache Flink.

Observability | Best Practices for Centralized Data Management of Multiple Prometheus Instances

This article introduces Prometheus and addresses the common challenge of achieving a global view with data scattered across different Prometheus instances.

What is Batch Processing ?

Batch processing is a method of handling data where transactions are collected over a period and processed together as a group, or batch.

Practical Use of MaxCompute Metadata: Data Permission Statistics

This article introduces how to conduct permission statistics by using metadata-related permission views.

Practical Use of MaxCompute Metadata: Job Accounting

This article mainly introduces MaxCompute's tenant-level Information Schema and focuses on job accounting through the TASKS_HISTORY view of metadata.

Practical Use of MaxCompute Metadata: Statistical Analysis of Project Information

This article mainly introduces MaxCompute's tenant-level Information Schema and focuses on using the CATALOGS view of metadata for project-related statistics.

Practical Use of MaxCompute Metadata: Data Download Audit

This article mainly introduces MaxCompute's tenant-level Information Schema and focuses on statistical analysis through the TUNNELS_HISTORY view of metadata.

Secure Marketing Data Management on Alibaba Cloud: Best Practices for Marketers

This post discusses secure marketing data management, emphasizing the importance of data security in marketing.

One-Stop Data Management & Data Serving Platform | Alibaba Cloud Developer Summit 2023 Recap

In this video, we will explore how Alibaba Cloud can help you address new business challenges and achieve one-stop data management.

Enhance Game Data Management with Alibaba Cloud's Cutting-Edge Database Solutions

This article explores the unparalleled database technologies provided by Alibaba Cloud, specifically designed to enhance scalability, reliability, and agility in the gaming industry.