Function as a Service

Alibaba Cloud Function Compute Helps to Upgrade the Architecture of Amap RTA Advertising System

In this article, we will introduce how Alibaba Cloud Function Compute to help Amap RTA advertising system upgrade its architecture in 2022.

Alibaba Cloud Function Compute Enters the Forrester Leader Quadrant for the First Time

This article discusses the growing popularity and accolades of Alibaba Cloud Function Compute.

Lagou Uses Function Compute to Build an Online Programming System

This article explains how Lagou leverages Function Compute.

Use PHP + Serverless to Help You Solve These Pain Points!

This article discusses the best practice of PHP application in Serverless and its value in detail.

Serverless Engineering Practices: From Cloud Computing to Serverless

This article explains cloud computing from its birth to serverless.

Deploying a BeeGo Application on Function Compute

This article covers the deployment of a Beego Application on Function Compute using the Alibaba Cloud management console.

Deploying a FaaS Platform for Content Delivery

In this article, we will introduce Alibaba Entertainment's function computing platform as well as their practical experience in deploying function computing.

Why Is Serverless the Main Battlefield in the Next Decade?

This blog discusses the trends and challenges of serverless adoption and shares 2 case studies on Alibaba Cloud's serverless platform, Function Compute.

Benefits and Future Trends to Expect from Serverless Computing

This article reviews serverless computing and predicts its future trends.

Serverless Service Selection - Choosing What's Right for You

This article aims to help you understand the concept of serverless from the perspective of daily practices and to select suitable serverless services and products based on your needs.

Alibaba Midway Releases Serverless v1.0, Improving R&D Efficiency by 50%

This article introduces Midway, a Node.js framework for building serverless services, and discusses its various benefits.

From Nothing to Something: Xianyu's Path to Integration with Flutter

This article is a detailed review of Xianyu's explorations on the path of integration with Flutter.

Perform Orchestration and Connection of Data Source in Three Minutes

This article discusses the launch of the metadata center and how it can be used with other factors and functions for better development efficiency.

The Integration of AMAP Algorithm Engineering: Best Practices and Thoughts

This article explains the construction process of AMAP's integrated algorithm engineering to meet the iterative process of its business.

Nexus Protocol, the Driving Force Behind Xianyu's Integrated Development

This blog discusses of the importance of the Nexus Protocol, its evolution and its relationship with serverless, FaaS, and client systems.