Auto Scaling

Unlock the Power of Auto Scaling for Optimal Cloud Performance

This article introduces Alibaba Cloud's Auto Scaling service, which dynamically manages computing resources to match business demands, improving performance and cost efficiency.

Unlocking Real-Time Insights: Harnessing the Power of Alibaba Cloud Managed Flink for Real-time Data Processing

Apache Flink, with its robust real-time data integration and analytics capabilities, emerges as a strategic ally for enterprises seeking to stay ahead in their respective industries.

How Is Alibaba Cloud Using Supercomputing to Fight the Epidemic?

In this blog, Dr. Warren He Wanqing discusses how High Performance Computing (HPC) is helping research organizations in the fight against COVID-19.

Kubernetes (ACK) K8s - Auto Scaling Node Pool (Part 2)

This short article explains how to create Auto Scaling and managed node pools on the Alibaba Cloud console with pictures.

Kubernetes (ACK) K8s – Auto Scaling Node Pool (Part 1)

This article explains how to create Auto Scaling and managed node pools under Alibaba Cloud console.

Alibaba Cloud Container Service Courses | Overview of Auto Scaling

In the sixth episode of Alibaba Cloud Container Service Courses, you will be able to learn how to use the scaling capability of ACK.

Application Management: Best Practices for Cloud Resources DevOps

This article explains O&M and control from the resource dimension to the application group perspective.

A Summary of the Five Conditions and Six Lessons of Auto Scaling

This article discusses problems encountered by customers applying Enterprise Distributed Application Service (EDAS) in auto-scaling scenarios when designing the system architecture.

Serverless Containers and Automatic Scaling Based on Traffic Patterns

This article explains how we can support Knative-based serverless containers on a managed service mesh technology platform.

Cloud Forward Episode 4: Cloud-Native Database - PolarDB | HTAP (In-Memory Column Index)

HTAP can help cut down your O&M, and PolarDB's In-Memory Column Index feature allows you to meet OLTP and OLAP requirements with one system.

Cloud Forward Episode 1: Cloud-Native Database - PolarDB | Auto Scaling

In this episode, we will dive deep into the search for a database that is as elastic and scalable as cloud computing.

How Can My Hospitality Business Scale, Control Costs and Access New Markets with Cloud?

This article describes how hospitality businesses are using the cloud to overcome challenges and kick-start growth.

The Elastic Architecture Practices of the Bixin Cloud Platform Based on Alibaba Cloud Container Service for Kubernetes

This article mainly discusses how the Bixin platform uses Alibaba Cloud ACK to build an application elastic architecture and further optimize computing costs.

How Can I Scale My WordPress Website for High Traffic?

This article explains how to scale a WordPress website for high traffic.

Common Application Use Cases with Predictable and Unpredictable Traffic

This article explains the common use cases of applications with predictable and unpredictable traffic.



Fluid Use Case: Efficient Information Retrieval Service under Compute-Storage Separation Environment in Zuoyebang

This article introduces the a Fluid use case in Zuoyebang.

Scheduled Scaling vs. Dynamic Scaling: What Is the Best Choice?

This article explains the differences between scheduled scaling and dynamic scaling.


透過 WordPress 架站情境手把手教學如何使用阿里雲架設與託管網站,本文為第一則開始動手前對整體思路規劃與架構設計。

KubeVela + KEDA: Inherent Auto Scaling for Applications

This article will briefly explain how to make application auto scaling simple with KEDA and why Alibaba Cloud EDAS is fully standardized on KEDA.